Many thanks to the blog readers who kindly forwarded the briefs listed below from Aryeh v. Canon Business Solutions, Inc., no. S184929. The case addresses UCL statute of limitations issues, and will be argued next Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in Los Angeles.
I am still seeking a volunteer to attend the argument and provide a report for posting here, so if you're interested, please let me know. Your report can be with or without attribution, your choice.
- Petition for Review (filed 07/30/10)
- Answer to Petition for Review (09/01/10)
- Reply in Support of Petition for Review (09/10/10)
- Letter from the Office of the Attorney General in Support of Review (dated 08/30/10)
- Opening Brief on the Merits (filed 11/19/10)
- Answer Brief on the Merits (filed 01/31/11)
- Reply Brief on the Merits (filed 02/22/11)
- Amicus Curiae Brief of Consumer Attorneys of California (filed 03/30/11)
- Amicus Curiae Brief of Beverly Clark et al. (filed 03/30/11)
- Amicus Curiae Brief of the Office of the Attorney General (filed 05/05/11)
- Amicus Curiae Brief of the Association of Southern California Defense Counsel (filed 05/05/11)
- Response of Canon Business Solutions, Inc. to Amicus Curiae Briefs (filed 06/03/11)