There has been a unicorn sighting in San Mateo County. The Court of Appeal (First Appellate District, Division Two) filed an opinion in a securities class action asserting claims under federal law that was not removed to federal court! City of Warren Police and Fire Retirement System v. Natera Inc., ___ Cal.App.5th ___ (Feb. 28, 2020; pub. ord. Mar. 23, 2020).
In other news, the Chief Justice issued a statewide order continuing all jury trials for 60 days, with a concomitant extension of the 5-year rule for all civil matters (and the 3-year rule for post-new trial and post-appeal cases). She has also authorized all six appellate districts to extend filing deadlines as they see fit. (At some point, it would be very helpful to law firm operations if the appellate courts moved to all-electronic systems for both filing and service copies of documents.) See this post (evening of March 23) and this post (morning of March 24) from At the Lectern. As of this writing, the latest emergency order of the Los Angeles County Superior Court is available here. Essentially, all courthouses are closed to the public until further notice.
UPDATE: SCOCAblog has a very interesting post on the Chief Justice's authority (statutory, constitutional, and inherent) to issue a statewide order continuing all jury trials.